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Dr Kelly Research, Publications, Presentations & Guidance



In 2020 and 2021 my main focus, alongside clinical duties managing our emergency medical patients was to better understand the risk of venous thromboembolism/ pulmonary embolism in coronavirus disease. We worked closely with our colleagues in haematology to make sure patients are diagnosed appropriately (including protecting patients from unnecessary radiological investigations), treated quickly and safely and followed up appropriately.


I have worked with colleagues at King's, Guy's and St Thomas' and Addenbrooke's to improve the care of patients with sudden onset headache, and in particular subarachnoid haemorrhage. This is a devastating condition, 1/3 of patients die with their first haemorrhage, 1/3 are left with severe neurological damage - which can include hypothalamic and pituitary damage - and 1/3 have nothing apart from the severe headache. The challenge is to find those patients with a sub-arachnoid haemorrhage amongst the large population of people who have severe headaches and it requires very close working with the Emergence Department, neuroradiology, the laboratory and neurosurgery


I have also been very fortunate to with colleagues in the Department of Respiratory Medicine at Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital to balance the benefits and harms of inhaled and oral glucorticoids (steroids), particularly in patients with asthma. This has become very important as new biologic therapies for the immune system in asthma have been developed, and patients can now have their disease controlled without the long-term effects of steroids - this falls under the banner of steroid stewardship.


Alongside the above I have worked with my colleague in acute medicine and the depeartment of diabetes here at King's College Hospital, particularly with my close colleague Dr Martin Whyte (also at The University of Surrey) to better understand the metabolic consequences of high dose oral glucocorticoids, used for asthma, smoking related lung disease (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/ COPD).


My colleagues and I studied the effectiveness of point of care testing for respiratory viruses using the BioFire FilmArray® utilising ward based quantitative real-time RT-PCR; which involved, and continues to support, a close collaboration with the Departments of Microbiology and Virology to improve the care of patients with respiratory infection.. This collaboration has been strengthened now with coronavirus infection and the Department of Virology and I are supporting the work of colleagues in cardiology to investigate the effects of SARS-CoV-2 on the heart.


My interest in anaemia and avoiding unnecessary transfusion lead to a longstanding collaboration with NHS Blood and Transplant to introduce a single unit transfusion policy for suitable medical patients at King's College Hospital; this continues to preserve valuable blood stocks, protects patients from blood components and helps reduce length of stay. From this work I now Chair the London Regional Transfusion Committee within JPAC (Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee).


During my specialist training I gained an MD from the University of London for my thesis investigating the influence of insulin like growth factor-1 on the gene and protein cyclooxygenase-2 in the colon of patients with and without acromegaly. This was a mixture of bench work, using cell culture and realtime quantitative RT-PCR as well as clinical characterisation of the patients and supervision of their surveillance colonoscopy.

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  1. MB Whyte, R Barker, PA Kelly, E Gonzalez, J Czuprynska, RK Patel 3, C Rea, F Perrin, M Waller, C Jolley, R Arya, LN Roberts. Three-month follow-up of pulmonary embolism in patients with COVID-19. Thromb Res. 2021 May;201:113-115

  2. SJ Dauncey, PA Kelly, D Baykov, AC Skeldon, MB Whyte. Rhythmicity of patient flow in an acute medical unit: relationship to hospital occupancy, seven-day working, and the effect of COVID-19. QJM: An international journal of medicine. 2021 Jan 4 : hcaa. Published online 2021 Jan 4

  3. MB Whyte, PA Kelly, E Gonzalez, R Arya, L Roberts. Pulmonary embolism in hospitalised patients with COVID-19. Thromb Res. 2020 Nov; 195: 95–99. Published online 2020 Jul 10.

  4. A Nanzer, A Chowdhury, A Raheem, C Roxas, M Fernandes, L Thomson, L Green, J Dhariwal, G D'Ancona, B Kent, P Kelly, D Jackson. Prevalence and Recovery of Adrenal Insufficiency in Steroid-Dependent Asthma Patients Receiving Biologic Therapy. Eur Respir J 2020; in press (

  5. MB Whyte, PA Kelly. Laboratory Tests Seldom Give Certainty BMJ. 2019 Apr 16; 365:I1719

  6. MB Whyte, PA Kelly. The Normal Range, it is not normal and it is not a range. Postgraduate Medicine Journal. 2018; 94: 613-616

  7. D Andrews, Y Chetty, BS Cooper, M Makatore, M Virk, A Letters, PA Kelly, M Sudhanva, D Jeyaratnam. Multiplex PCR point of care testing versus routine, laboratory-based testing in the treatment of adults with respiratory tract infections: a quasi-randomised study assessing impact on length of stay and antibiotic use. BMC Infectious Diseases 2017 17:671

  8. J Heyes, PA Kelly, K Monaghan, M Lawn, A Dhesi, A Mijovic. A single unit policy reduces red cell usage in general medical in-patients. QJM: An international journal of medicine. 2017 Jul.

    Link to single use free text

  9. D Dworakowska, M Gueorguiev, PA Kelly, JP Monson, GM Besser, SL Chew, SA Akker, WM Drake, PD Fairclough, AB Grossman, PJ Jenkins. Repeated colonoscopic screening of patients with acromegaly: 15-year experience identifies those at risk of new colonic neoplasia and allows for effective screening guidelines. European Journal of Endocrinology. 2010 Jul; 163(1):21-8. Epub 2010 Apr 30.

  10. PA Kelly, KT Maher, SL Chew, JP Monson, AB Grossman, PJ Jenkins.  A single-centre open-label study to investigate the efficacy & safety of repeated subcutaneous injections of lanreotide Autogel in patients with acromegaly previously treated with octreotide. Endocrine Practice. 2010 Mar-Apr; 16(2): 191-7

  11. PA Kelly, K Metcalfe, J Evanson, I Sabin, PN Plowman, JP Monson. Positron Emission Tomography in the Diagnosis and Management of Intracranial Germ Cell Tumours. Hormone Research. 2009;72(3):190-6. Epub 2009 Sep 1

  12. AB Grossman, PA Kelly, A Rockall, S Bhattacharya, A McNichol and T Barwick.  Cushing’s syndrome caused by an occult source: difficulties in diagnosis and management. Nature Clinical Practice Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2006 Nov; 2(11): 642-647

  13. PA Kelly, G Samandouras, F Afshar, JP Monson, AB Grossman, GM Besser, PJ Jenkins.  Neurosurgical Treatment of Nelson’s Syndrome. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2002 Dec; 87(12): 5465-9


  1. Philip Kelly, Douglas Macdonald, Thomas Powles. Success in PACES.  PasTest Knutsford, Cheshire 2009.  2nd Edition (1st Edition 2003 with PJ Jenkins)

  2. Philip Kelly (ed) MRCP2 Practice Questions HIV and Genitourinary Medicine and Infectious Diseases. PasTest Knutsford Cheshire 2006

  3. Philip Kelly (ed) MRCP2 Practice Questions Book 1 Cardiology and Respiratory Medicine.  PasTest Knutsford Cheshire 2005

  4. Philip Kelly (ed & author) MRCP2 Practice Questions Book 2 Dermatology, Endocrinolgy and Metabolism, Gastroenterology, Psychiatry and Renal Medicine.  PasTest Knutsford Cheshire 2005

  5. Philip Kelly (ed & author) MRCP2 Practice Questions Book 3 Haematology, Neurology, Ophthalmology, Rheumatology.  PasTest Knutsford Cheshire 2004

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