Thyroid Eye Disease/ Graves' Ophthalmopathy - new treatment being studied
Teprotumumab is a new monoclonal antibody against the IGF-I receptor that has shown promise at reducing proptosis in moderate to sever Grave

Graves Hyperthyroidism - information for patients
Dr Philip Kelly, consultant endocrinologist at King's College Hospital discusses Graves' thyrotoxicosis, what is it, how does it pre

Goitre - information for patients
Goitre - causes including iodine deficiency, Graves' disease, Hashimoto's and multinodular and solitary nodular disease; how we diag

Thyroid Eye Disease and Smoking
Graves' thyrotoxicosis is the commonest cause of hyperthyroidism; thyroid eye disease is common in Graves', though mostly it is mild

Thyrotoxicosis - revised guidance from the American Thyroid Association
Dr Philip Kelly discusses give major changes in the 2016 Thyrotoxicosis Guidance revision from the American Thyroid Association Thyrotoxicos

Thyrotoxicosis - beta blockade
What is the role of beta-blockers in the management of thyrotoxicosis?

Thyroid medications - carbimazole or propythiouracil, patient advice
Consultant Endocrinologist Dr Philip Kelly details what advice her gives patients on carbimazole or propylthiouracil.